GK1 Compassoreum

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Hints are given below when you expand the boxes.

Spoiler: Hint 1 (getting started) 
This level picks up on gameplay mechanics you may have noticed in Treachery Bridge, the level where you first died.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
Are you having trouble escaping the starting chamber? Blocked in by the big yellow egg? There's only one way out.
Spoiler: Hint 3 
Remember what happens when you die? (In The Godkiller, not in real life.)
Spoiler: Hint 4 
Fall on the spikes! You'll die and be reborn on a different side of the egg. In this level, you'll have to die to get into different rooms!
Spoiler: Hint 5 (gathering blocks) 
In the eastern chamber, you'll find a TREAD bridge and the A, E and T blocks. You'll need to get the D and R blocks into this chamber to beat the level. (Remember, you can cycle through the chambers by dying.)
Spoiler: Hint 6 
Luckily, the D and R blockpads are here. So all you have to do is destroy the D and R blocks. So when you die and are reborn in the rooms where the D and R are, how will you get up to them to push them and smash them?
Spoiler: Hint 7 
The D and R blocks each had smaller bridges each to them (reading ATE and EAT respectively). You'll need to assemble the A, E and T into the words that close these bridges, and then die to be reborn in those rooms to get on the bridge and destroy the D/R blocks. Where should you build these smaller words?
Spoiler: Hint 8 
Because there is a lot of clutter on the eastern and western sides of the eastern chamber where the blocks are, it's best to build the words ATE and EAT along the north wall or the south wall. (The north is slightly easier, but either will work.)
Spoiler: Hint 9 
If you build the words in the northwest or southwest corner, the T will be nicely in line when you want to spell EAT. Those corners are the best places to build your words.
Spoiler: Hint 10 
A diagram of how to make EAT. You can push the blocks in a different order to make ATE.

(We'll use the northwest corner for this solution.) Push the E north, then west. Repeat with the A, then push the T north. This will spell EAT in the northwest, letting you get the R. Then, you can smash the E and push it to the end easily when you want to make ATE to get the D block!

Spoiler: Hint 11 (reaching the exit) 
Assuming you've brought the D and R into the east chamber, you now need to plan where to spell the word TREAD, which will close the bridge to the exit to the east. This is pretty open-ended, and there are a few positions that will work, but you need to start by asking: How are you going to get the D and R blocks into position?
Spoiler: Hint 12 
The D and R blocks have been reborn in awkward places. However, they can be rescued by taking advantage of block birthing rules.
Spoiler: Hint 13 
Push the D into the dead end, smash it, then push the new D south. The R is the same, but flipped.

If you smash the D or R into its dead end, then walk further into the dead end, the block will be reborn and you'll be behind it. Then you can push the block out into the level. What will you do with each block after that?

Spoiler: Hint 14 
The R is very agreeable. If you push it north from its blockpad, then east, it's in a nice position just north of the T blockpad.
Spoiler: Hint 15 
The D is more awkward - the pillar just south of its dead-end hems it in, so that it seems to be stuck to the northern and western parts of the room. But there's a subtle place you can put the D which opens up your options.
Spoiler: Hint 16 
What's the pillar on the western edge of the blockpad room doing there? How can you use it?
Spoiler: Hint 17 
If you push the D south from its blockpad, then west, then south, it stops north of the western pillar. You can then walk west back towards the central egg where you keep are reborn and around the wall to push the D east! This gives you a lot more options for placing the D.
Spoiler: Hint 18 
This part of the level is very open-ended, but if you can build EAT and ATE, you can build TREAD. Just remember to plan around the R and D. (In particular, if you're going to put TREAD in the northwest or southwest, you need to rescue the block from whatever dead end you're about to obstruct first!)
Spoiler: Hint 19 (full solution) 
Making TREAD, step-by-step. In this diagram, we've already pushed the D and R out of their dead ends.

In each chamber, fall onto spikes and die until you are reborn in the eastern part of the level. Push the E north, then west. Repeat with the A, then push the T north. This will spell EAT in the northwest. Fall on spikes until you reach the northern room with the R block, get on the bridge, push the R onto the spikes, then rebirth yourself back in the eastern chamber. Smash the E block against the north wall, then push the E north and west again to make ATE. Go smash the D block as you did with the R.

Return to the eastern chamber. Get behind the D (by smashing it north and stepping north of its blockpad so it is reborn south of you) and push it south, west, south and east. (It should end up on the tile southwest of the foot of the stairs.) Push the T north then west into the northwest corner. Get behind the R and push it north, east, north and west so it ends up next to the T. Push the E and A north and west to spell TREA. Finally, push the D north and west to spell TREAD and close the bridge to the exit.

Present solution

Spoiler: Hint 1 (present location) 
Although the present itself is not visible right away, you can find a new bridge TRADES in the SW corner of the level, if you jump down below the TREAD bridge.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
If you make TEA, you can smash the S the same way you did for D and R.
Spoiler: Hint 3 
Where is the S reborn?
Spoiler: Hint 4 
The viewport in the lower area can give a hint.
Spoiler: Hint 5 
Fling from the TREAD bridge to the northern ledge to find the S block

Make the TREAD bridge then fling north. You'll land on a northern ledge (which you can just glimpse from the view square), and there you'll find the reborn S block.

Spoiler: Hint 6 
Push the S block south to bring it into the TREAD area. Now you have what you need to make TRADES.
Spoiler: Hint 7 (making another bridge) 
Making TRADES is absolutely the hardest puzzle so far. The S is in a very awkward place, and you'll need to work to put it somewhere more helpful.
Spoiler: Hint 8 
If you push the S east, it's stuck in a corner next to the staircase, so you must push it west. Then it's north of the little spike pit.
Spoiler: Hint 9 
You can smash the A, and push the reborn A north into the S to dislodge it. Now you can push the S into the northeast corner, in the same row as where you built TREAD. Then maybe you can use the letters you already have without having to undo too much of your hard work.
Spoiler: Hint 10 (making another bridge solution) 
A diagram showing how to made TRADE into TREADS. Yes, it's a lot. This is a hard puzzle.

This is complex, but here's one solution starting from making TREAD in the northwest corner and pushing the S south: push the S west. Smash the A and push it north. Push the S east and north into the corner. Smash the A again. Smash the E and push it east and north. Push the D east to make DES. Push the A north. Smash the T. Push the R east to make RADES. Push the T north and east to make TRADES.

Spoiler: Hint 11 (beyond the new bridge) 
When you cross the TRADES bridge, you won't find the present that easily. How can you use what you do find instead?
Spoiler: Hint 12
If you found another egg, you're getting close. Have you touched the egg?
Spoiler: Hint 13 
If Emm's name is on the egg, what happens when you die now?
Spoiler: Hint 14 (solution) 
Retrieve all the letters in TREAD as described in the normal solution. An S can be obtained by making TEA, dying until you are reborn on the west of the egg, smashing the S, then flinging north while standing on the TREAD bridge. Make TRADES as described in Hint 11 and cross the TRADES bridge to find another egg. Touch the egg to set it as your new spawn point, then die 3 more times so the egg rotates to the present (go back to the first room to find some spikes to die on if needed).


Spoiler: Achievements 
There are 0 achievements available for this level.
Spoiler: View squares 
There are 2 view squares on this level:
  • South and below the TREAD bridge.
  • Down the stairs to the east, showing the "I made them small" song on the screen.
Spoiler: Hanging men 
There are 0 hanging men on this level.
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