GK1 The Fork

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Normal solution

Hints are given below when you expand the boxes.

Spoiler: Hint 1 
This is more of a story level than a puzzle level. The Queen of Forks explains this in her song, but you have two level exits here: the upper one goes straight to All-Blocks Plateau, and the lower one takes the long way there. Either exit completes the level.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
Can't get to the upper exit? That's a shame.
Spoiler: Hint 3 
Guess you're taking the long way through the lower exit!

Present solution

Spoiler: Hint 1 (present location) 
From the exit, take a small passage on the west side of that room. The present is slightly out of reach in a small room.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
Knowledge of how blocks stack and reswpawn is useful here. Experiment with moving and stacking blocks (or come back once you're more experienced).
Spoiler: Hint 3 
It is not possible to stack enough blocks in the gap on the left side to walk across.
Spoiler: Hint 4 (solution)  
Smash all the blocks so they all are rebirthed in a 5-tall stack on the A blockpad. Go to the upper north side of the room (in line with the blue light) and fling across the room south, using the A tower as a backstop, to reach the present.


Spoiler: Achievements 
There are 1 achievements available for this level:
  • Stack: Stack blocks vertically.
Spoiler: Hint 1 
Find the present room (see above) and smash any two A blocks to have them rebirth on the same blockpad, stacked vertically.
Spoiler: View squares 
There is 1 view square on this level:
  • In front of the Queen of Forks, to view her song.
Spoiler: Hanging men 
There are 0 hanging men on this level.
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