GK1 Keeping Vault

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Normal solution

Hints are given below when you expand the boxes.

Spoiler: Hint 1 
This level introduces block pads, but the solution is very similar to a previous level.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
As in Symmetricallux and Little Arena, you have doors with a word written on them, and letter blocks spelling the same word. How did you open those doors again?
Spoiler: Hint 3 
Don't worry that the blocks are sunken into the ground this time. As you might have noticed in previous levels, that won't be a problem.
Spoiler: Hint 4 
Push any letter in DIE from the west to break that block, break the word DIE and open the doors. (And as you do that, notice that the broken blocks reappear on the pads to the west of you!)
Spoiler: Hint 5 
Although there's a lot to explore down the stairs to the west, the level exit is behind the DIE door up the stairs to the east.

Present solution

Spoiler: Hint 1 (present location) 
After opening the DIE door, head west down the stairs. The present is floating just out of reach.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
Observe the word GO underneath the present (not solid) and the OK door (solid). Explore the area carefully.
Spoiler: Hint 3 
Take the skinny staircase up and around - be careful about relying on flinging too much or you will fling right off and have to climb again. Did you find anything?
Spoiler: Hint 4 
Try breaking the OK word upstairs as you did with the DIE word at the start of the level. What changes now?
Spoiler: Hint 5
After breaking the OK blocks, the OK door downstairs will drop, revealing a G. If you don't know what to do with this, maybe you could play a few more levels of The Godkiller and restore back to this point once you know how to use blocks.
Spoiler: Hint 6
You need to put the G and O together to make the word GO. It's a little tricky at first because the level is quite big and the G and O are far apart. But there are only so many ways you can push each block. Remember that you can smash blocks to reset their positions if you get stuck.
Spoiler: Hint 7
Try making GO along the north wall.
Spoiler: Hint 8 (solution) 
Diagram of the solution described here. Push the G and O blocks in the directions indicated by the arrows. The white squares are meant to show you where the blocks will go as you push them around.

Break the word OK to open the OK door, revealing a G. Form the word GO along the north wall (eg. by pushing the O north, west, north and the G east, north). Once GO is formed, the GO platform under the present is now solid and you can drop down to it.


Spoiler: Achievements 
There are 0 achievements available for this level.
Spoiler: View squares 
There are 0 view squares on this level.
Spoiler: Hanging men 
There is 1 hanging man on this level:
  • From the start, break the DIE barrier and take three steps down the first big staircase. The hanging guy can be seen on the west wall up high, if you stand on the north side of the step.
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