GK1 Precipitalus

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Normal solution

Hints are given below when you expand the boxes.

Spoiler: Hint 1 (general advice) 
This level is a sort of Beard obstacle course. It's very open-ended, though. This hint guide sticks with one way of handling everything, but all you need to do is get past the Beards without falling to the ground floor - doesn't matter how you do it. (In fact, the hints might not work for you if you've done earlier segments of this level a different way so that the Beards are in different positions in later segments. You'll have to improvise if that happens (or restart the level and follow the hints exactly), but you know enough about Beards by now to handle it!)
Spoiler: Hint 2 
A lot of Beard-wrangling tricks will work here, so experiment with tricks you picked up in previous levels.
Spoiler: Hint 3 
In particular, it's helpful to remember that Beards won't chase you if you are "reborn with a clean record". If you're having real trouble, try dying to deactivate the Beards, and see if you can get past them without them chasing you. (Although it's not the method this hint guide uses, it's possible to beat this level without ever touching grass. There's a Steam achievement for it, too!)
Spoiler: Hint 4 
You might notice that when Beards fall to the ground floor, they can't get back up again. (They are reborn at the nearest egg that doesn't have Emm's name on it, which happens to be the one on the ground floor if they fall down.) Worth remembering...
Spoiler: Hint 5 (the first Beard) 
Your first job is to cross the catwalk bridge, but when you step on the grass, that nearby Beard will run onto it and block your path. How can you get him out of the way? (There are a couple of different ways around this Beard, but we'll take the most direct way in these hints.)
Spoiler: Hint 6 
If the Beard dies, he'll be reborn at that egg (since it's the nearest egg to him that isn't claimed by Emm). So you have to get him out of the way without killing him.
Spoiler: Hint 7 
Have you noticed the patches of ice nearby? Remember how well Beards deal with ice? (hint: not very well)
Spoiler: Hint 8 
If you lure the first Beard south, he'll slip on the ice and fall to the ground. Then you can cross the catwalk and tag the egg there to claim it.
Spoiler: Hint 9 (the TRAP bridge) 
You have a bridge to cross here. Building this word is pretty straightforward - don't overthink it.
Spoiler: Hint 10 
Try writing TRAP in the southeast corner of this tower.
Spoiler: Hint 11 
TRAP comes together easily in the southeast corner

Work backwards - push the P south and east, then push the A south and east...

Spoiler: Hint 12 (the next few Beards) 
After building and crossing the TRAP bridge, you have a winding catwalk to cross, and then you're ambushed by three Beards at a junction in the catwalk. How can you get these guys out of the way? (Again, there are a few different ways - they might not ambush you if you've died and deactivated but we'll take the neatest way.)
Spoiler: Hint 13 
Dying and deactivating is one way to stop them chasing you, but if you're not careful they might stop somewhere that's in your way. It may work, but in these hints we'll get rid of the Beards altogether.
Spoiler: Hint 14 
If you haven't dropped to the ground level yet on Precipitalus, you can get three Beards following you closely by jiggling east and west like this

With a little bravery and a little jiggling back-and-forth on the catwalk junction, you can probably get some or all of the Beards following you on the catwalk and back to the egg. Is that helpful?

Spoiler: Hint 15 
Didn't you just lay a TRAP?
Spoiler: Hint 16 
If you can lure the Beards onto the TRAP bridge, and fling to the TRAP blocks while they're on the bridge...
Spoiler: Hint 17 
If you managed to get three Beards in a conga line behind you (see Hint 14), you can fling to the TRAP blocks and drop the bridge under all Beards at once

... you can destroy the word TRAP and drop them to the ground! Then you can rebuild the bridge yourself and continue the level. You can drop all three Beards in one go if you're brave, but there's no problem with luring them onto the bridge one at a time. And if a Beard manages to follow you onto the TRAP blockpad tower, no problem - retreat to the starting tower and lure the surviving Beard onto the ice like you did with the first Beard of the level.

Spoiler: Hint 18 (the last Beard) 
At this point you can go north at the catwalk junction to visit Baldface for an important conversation. But let's say you've done that or you don't care about the story. Going south will bring you to a pit with one more Beard in it. At the bottom of the pit is the way to the exit.
Spoiler: Hint 19 
It's only one Beard in an open space, and so he's easily outwitted. No new tricks needed here.
Spoiler: Hint 20 
You can fling between railings on the upper lip of the pit to make enough space to drop down safely without the Beard blocking you. An even easier method is to die and come back from the egg near the TRAP bridge without touching grass - he'll be pacified and won't even chase you! However you do it, the catwalk at the bottom of the pit will take you to the exit room.
Spoiler: Hint 21 (full solution) 
Step on the grass and walk south of the catwalk bridge, luring the Beard south onto the ice and off the bridge. Walk north on the catwalk and touch the egg here.

Push the P, A, R and T south and east one after the other to spell TRAP. Cross the bridge and follow the catwalk to a junction. Step east and west on and off the junction a couple of times to lure three Beards towards you from the north and south. Backtrack along the catwalk with the Beards chasing you. Line them up south of the spikes and north of the bridge. Fling south towards your TRAP blocks and lure them south (they should be running shoulder-to-shoulder). Destroy a block to open the bridge and drop all the Beards to the ground floor. (If this goes wrong, just do them one at a time instead.)

Restore the bridge, follow the catwalk and go south on the junction, drop into the pit with the Beard in it, and follow the catwalk there to the exit.

Present solution

Spoiler: Hint 1 (present location) 
The present is tucked away in the NW corner of the level at ground level.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
There's a bunch of beards guarding it. They keep getting reborn no matter how many times you lure them on to spikes. Do you know any tricks for dealing with beards?
Spoiler: Hint 3 
See hint 3 above.
Spoiler: Hint 4 (solution) 
Although it's possible to the present while the beards are chasing you, it's much easier if they are pacified. Solve the first part of the level as normal to get to Baldface's office. Drop down on to the east side of the level, near the View square. Follow the outer wall north and squeeze through a winding passage to the west. Walk carefully around the spikes and grab the present. (If any beards moved earlier, you might need to lure them out of the way and die to try again.)


Spoiler: Achievements 
There is 1 achievement available for this level:
  • Grassless Tally: Beat Precipitalus with no grass-stepping.
Spoiler: Hint 1 
If you never step on the grass, the Beards will never chase you.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
You can't push blocks towards Beards.
Spoiler: Hint 3 
To get to the second egg, fling into spikes off the edge of the starting platform twice (once north then once east), so that you are reborn to the south. Go to the west edge of the platform and fling north, to the second Egg checkpoint.
Spoiler: Hint 5 
With the Beard in the way, it can be much tricker to spell TRAP now. There's maybe only one corner that works.
Spoiler: Hint 6 
Try to spell TRAP vertically in the NE corner (close to the TRAP bridge).
Spoiler: Hint 7 
All the letters can get into place fairly easily except the P. Use the other blocks to buffer it, for example try pushing R north, east, then the A south so the A lands in the same row as P. Push P east using A as a backstop so it's not stuck against a wall. Smash the R letter to rebirth it, then push the letters TRAP in place in that order. Cross the TRAP bridge and follow the path along the thin platforms to the exit.
Spoiler: View squares 
There are 1 view squares on this level:
  • On the east side, ground level.
Spoiler: Hanging men 
There are 0 hanging men on this level.
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