GK1 Deep Pit

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Hints are given below when you expand the boxes.


This level takes place inside and outside a tower. These hints will number the floors from the top near the start point. The floor where most of the blocks start is Floor 1; then Floor 2, then Floor 3... On floors with several platforms of different heights, these hints consider those all part of the same floor. The room with many empty blockpads is Floor 6; the large room with tall and narrow spires within is Floor 7; the room with the grass ring and the N block is Floor 8.

As you might be able to tell, this is a difficult level to describe in text. The hints here describe detailed instructions for a general approach rather than a step-by-step walkthrough, because there are just too many blocks for the step-by-step approach to be viable. Luckily, the level isn't that hard if you go carefully. Good luck!

Normal solution

Spoiler: Hint 1 (what to do) 
A very big and intimidating level! But as usual with the big and intimidating levels, the actual task is not that bad. Ignore Thea as best you can, explore the level, and figure out what the minimum is that you have to do. What bridges do you have to spell to reach the exit?
Spoiler: Hint 2 
Dropping east or west from this bend lands us in front of the exit. Of course, first we have to get here...

It's difficult to tell just from looking, but you might realise that the bend in the catwalk which connects the bridges is directly above the platform jutting out from the exit room. You only have to build the bridges that reach that point - SOUP, STIRS, THE and COOK - so that you can drop down to the exit. Decide how and where you're going to build the words.

Spoiler: Hint 3 
There are many different ways and places to build the words, but the way the blocks move down the tower is restricted by the level. You'll have to drop the blocks down the holes in each floor. (The landing zones are marked with blank blockpads, like you saw in Glory Heights and Grolden Chambers.)
Spoiler: Hint 4 
One way to work with the blocks is suggested by all the blockpads on Floor 6. If you can drop the blocks you need down that far, you can push blocks around freely down there. This method will work, but there's an easier way...
Spoiler: Hint 5 
If you're dropping blocks down holes, you'll end up stacking them up, right? So... what if the stacks were the words?
Spoiler: Hint 6 
There are many different approaches to Deep Pit, but in this guide, we'll stack the words vertically using the holes in each floor. For example, to spell SOUP, we'll try to get a P down from Floor 1 to Floor 2 or beyond, followed by a U, than an O, then an S.
Spoiler: Hint 7 (moving about the level) 
Moving between floors can be kind of tricky. You'll be stepping into floors from the inner spiral staircase around the outside of the tower. Look for strips of grass along the west side of the tower. The grass outside Floor 1 has a little gap under it, so if you're standing on the stairs west of the northern tip of the grass, you can step under the grass and drop into Floor 2. When you're in Floor 2, you have to drop down into Floor 3 to get back to the staircase.
Spoiler: Hint 8 (a tip about spelling all the words) 
You have all the blocks you need to make each word of SOUP STIRS THE COOK separately. (That is, you don't need to make any overlapping words like STIRSOUP.)
Spoiler: Hint 9 (about the Beards) 
You might have noticed some Beards falling down to the bottom of the outside of the tower early in the level. Ignore them. You don't need them to push blocks for you, and they can't move around far enough to climb the tower unless you specifically lure them up the tower. They won't be a factor.
Spoiler: Hint 10 (a warning about Floors 4-6) 
The solution used in this guide ignores the blockpads on Floor 6. But they might trap you. If you push a block down to Floor 4 (the floor where Thea is initially waiting with four blank blockpads at different heights) and smash it there, it will be closer to Floor 6 than Floor 1, so it will respawn down there. This is not a problem if you won't need the block later, but if you do, you'll have to work with it. For example, you only have one P for SOUP - if it winds up on Floor 6, you'll need to shove an S, O and U down the tower to Floor 6 (or to Floor 4 and then smash them).
Spoiler: Hint 11 (getting other blocks out of the way) 
Because Floor 1 is so cluttered, you will likely find it impossible to only push the blocks you need down from Floor 1 to Floor 2. A lot of other blocks will get in the way. That is okay - push them anyway. Then go to Floor 2 and sort them out.
Spoiler: Hint 12 
On Floor 2, you can push blocks north or west to Floor 3, or smash them against the railings to the east and south. This will help you sort out the blocks you need from the ones you don't. (If you're having trouble seeing what block you have available at the bottom of your Floor 2 stack, try walking to the west edge of the room to get a better camera angle.)
Spoiler: Hint 13 
Here's an example. We have the letters SOUP in order, but with a lot of garbage blocks in between. Working from the bottom, we push the P west, then smash the block that's in the way, then push the U west... We'll end up with SOUP down the west hole, and the rest of the blocks reborn up top.

Just push the blocks you need down to Floor 3 and smash the ones you don't! For example, if you were going for SOUP and ended up with SKCOUP, you'd push the P, U and O north, smash the C and K, and push the S north. (West instead of north is fine, too.) The C and K will respawn on Floor 1 and the rest of the blocks will stack up to spell SOUP on Floor 3.

Spoiler: Hint 14 
Accidentally pushed a block you don't want down to Floor 3? Just repeat the Floor 2 sorting on Floor 3. If you pushed your blocks north to Floor 3, you have a nearby railing to smash unwanted blocks against; if you pushed them west, you should have a bit of floor space to lay your word out flat from west to east and smash out the blocks you don't want.
Spoiler: Hint 15 (full solution) 
Sorry, there are too many blocks in play to give you a step-by-step walkthrough here. Stack up blocks by pushing them down the hole from the block room on Floor 1, so that you spell SOUP, STIRS, THE and COOK (in any order). Push blocks in reverse order - for example, to spell SOUP in a stack, push the P down first so it's at the bottom of the stack, then the U... (See Hint 13 if you need a visual aid.)

As you push blocks, you will probably push some blocks that you don't want down the hole. To resolve this, drop down to Floor 2 where the blocks have landed. Push the blocks you want to keep north so they fall to Floor 3; push the blocks you want to get rid of south or east to smash them against the railing. (For example, if you were going for SOUP and ended up with SKCOUP, you'd push the P, U and O north, smash the C and K, and push the S north.) If you push a block you don't want down to Floor 3, repeat this on Floor 3; push blocks you want to keep east, south or west, and smash blocks you want to get rid of against the north railing. Try not to smash blocks on Floor 4, or they might respawn lower down on Floor 6, and if you need those blocks later you'll have to push every block that goes with it down to Floor 6. Go slowly and pay attention, and work one block at a time if you have to, and it'll be possible to clear this level without ever going lower than Floor 3!

Once you've made SOUP STIRS THE COOK, follow those bridges to the bend in the catwalks, and drop east or west to land on the outcrop below (see Hint 2's diagram). Walk to the exit.

Present solution

Spoiler: Hint 1 (present location) 
The present is on a scaffolding platform high up, across TAKE ANOTHER LOOK bridges in addition to the SOUP STIRS THE COOK bridges.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
Note that "THE" is found inside "ANOTHER" so if you are making ANOTHER, you don't need to make THE seperately.
Spoiler: Hint 3 
If you count the letters in the above phrase, you'll find you need: AA C EE H I KKK L N OOOOOO P RR SSS TTT U. You have exactly that many letters to start with, except for the N which is found down on the bottom floor.
Spoiler: Hint 4 
SOUP, STIRS and COOK can be spelled as normal for the regular solution. TAKE and LOOK can also be spelled in a similar way. The only tricky word is ANOTHER, because you need to get the letters to the N.
Spoiler: Hint 5 
You might want to try spelling ANOTHER first, so you don't have to worry about other words blocking your route.
Spoiler: Hint 6 
It's a block pushing maze to get a letter all the way down. Find the route that will let you get blocks down.
Spoiler: Hint 7 
In this example diagram, we follow the R down the tower to the bottom
Here's how you can free that H with the blocks of A_OTHER

The following will get a block from the top of the tower to the bottom:

  • Floor 1 (with all the block pads): push into the SW hole (no choice).
  • Floor 2 (choice of west or north holes): push into the north hole.
  • Floor 3 (choice of west or south or east holes - north hole is inaccessible to blocks): push into the south hole.
  • Floor 4 (varying height platforms): if you pushed south previously you are set up to push north into the hole. Other routes trap you eventually.
  • Floor 5 (zig-zaggy path): blocks land on the NE blank block pad can be pushed east, south into the hole.
  • Floor 6 (many blockpads): smash the blocks to rebirth them on blockpads if you want/need. The only tricky letter is the H which is trapped behind the pillar in the center. Use any other block or two as a buffer against the wall so you can push the H east or west without trapping it against a wall.
  • Floor 7 (series of railing-enclosed platforms): this is more or less on rails, push blocks north (fall down), west (fall down), south (fall down), east (fall down), to land on a tower on floor 8. If you push too many blocks in a row at once, they can stack up too high to get down the hole yourself (in this case, kill yourself, and head down to floor 8 and take the south stairs up to push them out).
  • Floor 8 (N block): if you made it this far, it should be clear sailing. The grass provides a nice buffer around the blocks.
Spoiler: Hint 8 
Here's how Alex H made ANOTHER when Alex H was making diagrams for this level. You're not going to be able to follow this exactly unless you pushed the A_OTHER blocks down in the same order as Alex did, but the point is to show how flexible this puzzle is. You can shove blocks into the corner (like the T in this diagram), and it's fine because they're surrounded by grass squares. You have all this grass - use it!

Use the procedure described in hint 7 to get AOTHER blocks down to the bottom floor and use the N to make ANOTHER. Make the words COOK, LOOK, STIRS, SOUP, TAKE anywhere else (there are lots of places you can do this - see regular solution for hints on how to do). Go back up to the top, fling to the outer staircase and cross the bridges to get to the present.


Spoiler: Achievements 
There are 0 achievements available for this level.
Spoiler: View squares 
There are 0 view squares on this level:
Spoiler: Hanging men 
There are 0 hanging men on this level.
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