Normal solution
Hints are given below when you expand the boxes.
Spoiler: Hint 1 (what to do)
Just one extremely intricate block puzzle stands between you and the end of the game. The objective is explained in a song: you have to make a succession of longer and longer words given to you by the Songleader. If you have sound and subtitles off, refer to the screen on the north wall - after each verse, it'll show you the word you're supposed to make next. Just keep going - after five words, you're done!
Spoiler: Hint 2
This are multiple solutions here, although they're all quite similar. (The hints and walkthrough describe two slightly different approaches, but the basic principles remain the same between then.) If you're sure your idea will work, it probably will if you keep at it. Stay determined - you've made it this far!
Spoiler: Hint 3 (where you can and can't build words)
The shallow trenches let you step in and out of the puzzle easily, so there are no restrictions on Emm's movement here. But the trenches trap the blocks, so you have to be aware of when a block may get trapped in a particular row, column or corner of the puzzle.
Spoiler: Hint 4
There are three main "rooms" in the block puzzle. There's a small northwest chamber where the T and U blocks and blockpads are; there's a wider northeast chamber where the H, N, O and S all start; and there's a long chamber along the south which has G and O blockpads. Plus, there are a couple of windy corridors connecting the chambers. It's worth working out which blocks can go in which chambers, and which blocks can never go in certain chambers. This will dictate where you can build words.
Spoiler: Hint 5
Can you build anything in the southern chamber? It looks tempting, and you can get the G and O down there easily enough by smashing them onto the blockpads. What other blocks can you get down there, if any?
Spoiler: Hint 6
The answer to the above hint is... one! The only block you can get down there is the U south from the northwest chamber. Every other block is stuck in the north chambers. (You can't get a block through that middle corridor which bends from east to south, because once a block is in that end, there's no space north or west to get behind it and push it out.) So the south chamber turns out to be largely useless!
Spoiler: Hint 7
As for the northwest chamber, it's clearly too small and inaccessible. You can get blocks out into the northeast chamber, but you can't push them back into the northwest, and there aren't many blockpads there to smash blocks onto. Therefore, many of the words in this level must be built somewhere in the northeast chamber where the N starts.
Spoiler: Hint 8 ("Go, go, go!")
Our first word is GO. This shouldn't be a problem - there are a couple of viable places to write GO. While you're working on this, you should memorise where the G starts and how it must move, since you'll be pushing it for here repeatedly.
Spoiler: Hint 9
We must push the G towards the O by pushing it east from its starting blockpad, getting into the trench north of it, and pushing it south.
Spoiler: Hint 10
From the last hint, there are a few ways to go. We can push the G east into the O and smash the S out of the way; we can push the S west before we push the G south and east; or we can push the S east and smash it so we can push the G and O west into the little bent corridor (and from here, we could smash the G and O to spawn them in the south room and spell GO there if we want). You have lots of options here. The next hint will show the option which I think sets up the rest of the level the best.
Spoiler: Hint 11
GO is easily made in the east end of the level
I like to push the S west into the bent corridor first, and then push the G east, south and east off its blockpad to spell GO in the southeast corner of the northeast room.
Spoiler: Hint 12 ("No stomachs, but...")
Now you must spell GUT. You need to bring the U and T into play here. As it happens, building GO has set you up perfectly for this.
Spoiler: Hint 13
Why is that GO gate tucked in that dead-end in the north? How does closing that help? What can you now do that you couldn't before?
Spoiler: Hint 14
While the GO gate is closed, you can bring the U and T from their starting points into the northeast chamber. Push one of the blocks north against the GO gate, then east, then south.
Spoiler: Hint 15
Method #1 (used in these hints): Like GO, GUT can go into the east end of the level
Method #2 (used in the walkthrough): You can also just make GUT in the upper corridor
If you bring the T and U around into the same row as the S blockpad to spell UT, you can bring the G down in exactly the same way as you did with the GO to make GUT. (If the G is in the south chamber, push it all the way east and smash it to get it to respawn on the northern blockpad.)
Spoiler: Hint 16 ("Declares a toast...")
Now you must spell HOST. Assuming you spelled GUT in the northeast chamber, you should have all the letters you need there already. Start with OST, then work on adding the H.
Spoiler: Hint 17
Following on from the above hints, you probably have GUT or GUTO in the southeast corner of that chamber, or else you have T within range of that corner. Keep going from there.
Spoiler: Hint 18
The S is forced - stuck in that row as it is (you can never push it north or south), it must go east into the T (you may have to smash some blocks to make way). Then you should have space to smash the O and respawn it in a good place to make OST. Now work on the H.
Spoiler: Hint 19
Method #1 (used in these hints): Following on from GUT Method #1 (Hint 15), you can shuffle a few letters around to get to HOST
Method #2 (used in the walkthrough): Following on from GUT Method #2, HOST can be made in the east end again
From where the H starts, it should just go west, south and east. Be careful not to smash it, or else it may respawn on the H blockpad in the northwest, and you'll have to go back to making GO just to bring it back into play.
Spoiler: Hint 20 ("It gets much harder...")
Now you must spell TOUGH - and indeed, it gets much harder here. You may be forced to backtrack a bit. If you're having trouble, try to start form a blank state - smash all the blocks to reset them to how they were when you started the puzzle.
Spoiler: Hint 21
You may have sent the U back to its blockpad on the west of the puzzle while spelling HOST. You may also need to destroy the T, since it may be stuck in a southeast corner meaning it can't be the first letter of TOUGH. Either way, you'll have to bring one or both of the U and T back into the northeast chamber, and that means spelling GO again. Think carefully about how you bring the letters back now.
Spoiler: Hint 22
After spelling GO, suppose you want to spell TOUGH from the T. You move the T into play, and then you move the O... but that breaks GO, open the gate, and then you can't bring the U in. So you need to make the U accessible to the northeast chamber before you break GO up.
Spoiler: Hint 23
I have focused on the three chambers in these hints. But that's a little misleading. Just because you're very restricted in how you use the little corridors, doesn't mean they can't be useful...
Spoiler: Hint 24
Make GO. Push the T east, north and east as before. But then, leave it alone! Push the U the same way to make UT. Now you have U and T in the corridor north of the chamber, ready to push into the level as you need them. If you smash the G and respawn it on its northern blockpad, you'll have another way to spell GUT. (If you're really clever and careful with what order you smash blocks, you can have UGT or TGU or some other order of blocks up there, if you want.)
Spoiler: Hint 25
Have you got GUT written in the north corridor? Then you're in a great position to make TOUGH. This is because you'll have to push those letters south one at a time in reverse order - T, U and then G. That's the order in which the letters appear in TOUGH, so that will help you to structure your solution here.
Spoiler: Hint 26
You're going to spell TOUGH on the same line as HOST, where your S and O blockpads are. That means you should get the S out of the way; otherwise it may get caught between the T and O and cause you a headache. Where exactly are you going to spell TOUGH on that line? Where should you shove the S to clear the way for TOUGH?
Spoiler: Hint 27
Since you need to push the T first, you're going to place the T first. That suggests building it from west to east, and that suggests putting TOUGH as far west as possible, in the little corridor. So the S should go as far east as possible, into the southeast corner of the northeast chamber. (If the S is already in the bend of the little corridor, that's okay - just smash it and push it east from its blockpad.)
Spoiler: Hint 28
With the setup described above, you should be able to push T south, push O west, then push the word GU east to line up the U with the south corridor. Then you can push it south, and then west if need be. You should have TOU or STOU, depending on if you got the S out of the way. (If you didn't, now would be a good time to follow Hint 27!)
Spoiler: Hint 29
If TOU is as far west as possible, the G should go east and south to slot in neatly and make TOUG. That just leaves the H, but pushing it the way you did for HOST won't work this time (because the word TOUG is in the way!). You'll need to be a little craftier.
Spoiler: Hint 30
Why is that northernmost H blockpad there?
Spoiler: Hint 31
Set up GUT as in Method #2 in Hint 15, then tuck TOUGH in the little bend in the centre. Don't worry, the diagrams are going to get much worse.
If you push the H west and smash it, it should respawn on that northern blockpad. That means you can push it south and then west. You should now have the word TOUGH peeking out of the corridor.
Spoiler: Hint 32 ("Seek hard, you ought...")
Now you must spell SOUGHT. It would be so good to use what you already have with TOUGH without rearranging it too much. Unfortunately, that means getting the T to the other side of the U, and since both are now stuck in the same west-east row, you can't do that without smashing one or the other, which means having to remake GO to bring the smashed T or U back into play, which means smashing the G and O as well... Sorry, you need to start from scratch! The good news is that now you know how to make OUGH, SOUGHT won't be much tougher than TOUGH.
Spoiler: Hint 33
First, decide where you're going to build SOUGHT. Because of where the S is, it has to be on the same row as TOUGH and HOST were. It will end up being either built as far west as possible, so that the S is in that bend in the corridor, or as far east as possible, so that the T is in the southeast corner of the northeast chamber. One of these options is easier than the other.
Spoiler: Hint 34
Suppose you build SOUGHT on the west side. How are you going to get the T in? If you build most of the word and then push the T in, it'll be blocked from going into the row by the word SOUGH; if you put the T in first, sooner or later it'll end up in the southeast corner anyway as you get it out of the way to get at other letters. So you might as well plan to build SOUGHT as far east as possible. (As a confirmation that this is the right choice, you'll find that the O blockpad is exactly where you want the O to be when SOUGHT is spelled, and the S blockpad is only a square away.)
Spoiler: Hint 35
If we're building SOUGHT from the west, we'll need to place the T first, then the G. That means that we have to think about how we bring the T and G (and U) out of the northwest chamber - what blocks do we push and smash, and when?
Spoiler: Hint 36
Something similar to Hint 24 will work, where we wrote GUT in the northern corridor in preparation for spelling TOUGH. However, you know how that hint also says you can rearrange the letters of GUT if you're clever? Can you rearrange these letters to be more helpful?
Spoiler: Hint 37
We need to push the T south and west, then (after placing the H) the G, then the U... so if we had UGT instead of GUT, that would be a much better order.
Spoiler: Hint 38
Follow Hint 24's instructions, except stop pushing the U as soon as it hits the GO gate, so the U is in the square south of the gate. Then smash the G. Now you should have U G T (with a square of space between) in the northern corridor. This sets you up very nicely for spelling SOUGHT.
Spoiler: Hint 39
Prepare your blocks as in the hint above. Shove S and O west into the bent corridor. Now you can start building your word out from the corner - first the T, then the H...
Spoiler: Hint 40
The T goes south and east. The H goes west, south and east as it did with HOST (although respawning it on the blockpad as with TOUGH is fine too). The G, then the U, go the same way as the T. Now you should have UGHT in the eastern corner, and SO in the west... (If you have the O or S in the corner, making something like UGHTO or UGHTS, you're still good. Smash the rogue block and push the UGHT along into the corner.)
Spoiler: Hint 41
Starting from GO as in Hint 11, SOUGHT goes in the same place as most of the other words... eventually
There are two ways to get the O into position: smash the S and push the O east, which will get you OSUGHT, or smash the O onto the southern blockpad, push it east and smash it onto the blockpad next to UGHT to get to OUGHT. Either way, you're just one S-block-smash-and-push away from making SOUGHT. Do it, wait for the PASS gate to drop, and climb the stairs. Congratulations on beating The Godkiller - Chapter 1!
Spoiler: Hint 42 (full solution)
Spell GO: Push the S west; push the G east, south and east. (See Hint 11 for a diagram.)
Spell GUT: following on from GO as before, push the T east, north and east; push the U north, east, north and east; smash the G and O. (See Hint 15 Method #2 for a diagram.)
Spell HOST: from making GUT as before, push the T south and east; smash the S; push the S east; smash the O; push the H west, south and east. (See Hint 19 Method #2 for a diagram.)
Spell TOUGH: from making GUT as before (not HOST - you will need to smash HOST and repeat making GO and then GUT), push the T south; push the O west (making STO); push the GU east; push the U south; smash the S; push the TOU west; push the G east and south; push the S east; push the H west; smash the H; push the H south and east. (See Hint 31 for a diagram.)
Spell SOUGHT: from making GO as before (smash TOUGH; push the O east then smash it again to return to its starting position), push the T east, north and east; push the U north, east and north (so it's south of the GO gate); smash the G and O (so that the north corridor has U G T in it); push the O west; push the T south and east; push the H west, south and east; push the G east, south and east; push the U east and south; smash the S; push the O east; smash the S; push the SOU east. (See Hint 41 for a diagram.)
Wait for the PASS gate to open. Climb the stairs. Accept plaudits. Keep climbing to the credits.
Present solution
Spoiler: Hint 1 (present location)
After spelling SOUGHT, you can walk up the stairs to the spectators area and walk west (right above the big screen), the present can be barely seen tucked into a corner in the NW.
Spoiler: Hint 2 (what to spell)
After spelling SOUGHT, return to the podium for some more conversation (leave and return a few times to continue the conversation). Apparently there was another word using the N but it was too tough. No one remembers what it is now.
Spoiler: Hint 3
You are told the word you are looking for is not any of: HOGNUTS, GUNSHOT, SHOTGUN (nor anything gun related), HUTONGS (narrow streets or alleys) nor UNGHOST.
Spoiler: Hint 4
If you fling south from the east wall of the spectators platform, you find another egg and can fling west through a window to some spikes. You can see the end of a bridge "...TS". You can also see part of a bridge with an N in it near the podium.
Spoiler: Hint 5
If you fling across the spikes, you can see the word starts with "NOU...".
Spoiler: Hint 7
You need to spell NOUGHTS. It's a bit more complicated than spelling SOUGHT but can be done using a similar set of moves.
Spoiler: Hint 8 (solution)
Start from all the blocks on their original blockpads, and then... do all of this. You're going to earn that last present.
Complete the level as normal. Spell NOUGHTS: Smash SOUGHT. Push the S east. Smash the O, push the G east, south, east, (making GOS). Push the T east, north, east, south, east (making TGOS). Push the U north, east, north. Smash the G, push the T east (making TOS). Push the H west, smash it so it goes to the north blockpad. Push N west, south, then smash the O and push it west, making NO. Push the H south, east (making HTS); push the G east, south, east (making GHTS); push the U east, south; smash the N and push the O east (making OUGHTS). Push the N west, south, east, making NOUGHTS. Go up the stairs to the east wall of the spectator platform, fling south, walk around, fling west throught the window (stand 1 square north of the south wall), and cross the NOUGHTS bridge to the present.
Spoiler: Achievements
There are 0 achievements available for this level.
Spoiler: View squares
There are 1 view squares on this level:
- Near the egg, showing a perspective on the entrance corridor.
Spoiler: Hanging men
There are 0 hanging men on this level.