GK1 Blackhold

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Normal solution

Hints are given below when you expand the boxes.

Spoiler: Hint 1 (what to do) 
This level features more of the strange catapulting things that you encountered in Forewatch. Your objective is to get inside the fortress in the centre of this level. Explore a little and see what you can find.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
The spikes are mostly set up in front of the catapults, so that they can launch Emm back onto the spikes and kill her. Just don't dawdle between the spikes and the fortress and you'll be safe.
Spoiler: Hint 3 
Can you see anything inside the fortress that might help?
Spoiler: Hint 4 
Can you see the open KEY gate through the window north of the starting point? And you have the KEY blocks outside with you. Even if it's not clear how it helps yet, you may want to try making the KEY to see what changes.
Spoiler: Hint 5 (making the KEY) 
This is a tricky block puzzle because it looks open-ended, but in fact the movement of blocks is quite restricted. It's hard to spot where you should build the word KEY, so the best thing you can do is push the blocks around at random and see what routes they can take through the level.
Spoiler: Hint 6 
Let's start by seeing where the K can go. You can't push the K north or south because of the spikes. If you push it west, you'll have the same problem. So it must go east, which makes it fall to the ground floor. Can the K go anywhere from there?
Spoiler: Hint 7 
Although you can push the K around a bit, it easily gets trapped against walls and in corners. You will find it impossible to push the K to the east side of the level. Therefore, you should bring the E and Y to the bottom floor and to the west side of the level.
Spoiler: Hint 8 
Where can the E go? It's apparently guarded by spikes that stop you getting east of it to push it west to the bottom floor. Is that an issue?
Spoiler: Hint 9 
Remember how you extracted certain blocks in Compassoreum?
Spoiler: Hint 10 
If you just push the E east and smash it, you'll be able to push the new E block west. (This is a backswizzle.) Try that now and see if you can get the E over to the west side of the level.
Spoiler: Hint 11 
Once it falls to the bottom floor, you should be able to push the E south, west, north and west to get it over to the west side of the level. What's useful about where the E is now?
Spoiler: Hint 12 
If you don't see what's useful about the E now, work on the K again - smash it, push it west to the bottom floor again, and have a good look at the K and E.
Spoiler: Hint 13 
You should find that the K and E are in the same north-south line. You can push the E north now to get KE. Now you just need the Y.
Spoiler: Hint 14 
Just pushing Y north from the blockpad will get it to the bottom floor. You should know what to do with it now...
Spoiler: Hint 15 
...because it landed in almost the exact same place as the E did...
Spoiler: Hint 16 
...so you can just push it along the same path as the E, nestle it south of the KE, and spell KEY! The gate in the castle is now closed.
Spoiler: Hint 17 (using the KEY) 
So having closed the KEY gate, how does that help you get inside the castle? Have another look around the outside of the castle for an opening.
Spoiler: Hint 18 
The castle walls are full of openings, but unfortunately, they're all being guarded by the castle defences. ...Right?
Spoiler: Hint 19 
What is the KEY gate in line with?
Spoiler: Hint 20 
There are two openings directly east and west of the KEY gate. (One of these is in line with the spikes north of the western view-square; the other corresponds to the spikes south of the eastern view-square.) What's special about them?
Spoiler: Hint 21 
When you cross in front of them, you don't get a block thrown at you. These entrances are unguarded!
Spoiler: Hint 22 
Simply fling east or west into the castle so you get stopped by the KEY gate! Say hello to the Groldies, and walk to the exit inside the castle.
Spoiler: Hint 23 (full solution) 
Push the K, then the E, then the Y to make KEY as shown, then fling into the hold from either of the two indicated spots. The upper floor of the castle has been made transparent here so you can see the ground, but note that the Y gets stopped by the outer wall of the upper floor at one point.

From the start, push the K east (so it falls to the bottom floor). Do a backswizzle on the E (push it east, smash it - getting to the east side of the E then push west), then push it south, west, north, west and north (so it collides with the K and makes KE). Die and rebirth back on the top floor. Push the Y north, south, west, north, west and north to make KEY. Die, rebirth, and fall to the middle floor. Locate the set of spikes north of the western view-square that does not cause a block to be catapulted at you when you cross between them and the fortress. Stand east of those spikes and fling east to enter the fortress, and make your way to the exit inside.

Present solution

Spoiler: Hint 1 (present location) 
Finding the present is the tricky part. Search carefully.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
It's inside the fortress. Solve the level as normal to get inside.
Spoiler: Hint 3 
If you observe carefully, there's a small passageway underneath the KEY bridge, near the '1' Groldy (you need to be near either the east or west wall of the bottom level to see it).

There are two ways to solve this from here:

Solution A

Spoiler: Hint 4 
If you could destroy the KEY word while inside the fortress, you could drop down through the KEY bridge to get to the present tunnel.
Spoiler: Hint 5 
Can you set up KEY in such that a Groldy can push a block at it?
Spoiler: Hint 6 
There is a small alcove on the lowest-west side that has two spikes in it. You can spell KEY in that alcove such that the K is in line with the spikes.
Spoiler: Hint 7 (solution) 
If you nudge KEY west and south, the K is in line with the 1-throwing Groldy. If that Groldy throws a 1 west, it'll lose the 1 and smash the K, letting you drop the KEY bridge from inside the fortress.

Follow the normal solution as written above until you spell KEY. Push the EY blocks one square west, (smash the K for pushing access), and then push them south. Push the K down east again, then west, south to make KEY (with spikes directly west of the K). Be careful not to let the K get pushed by a block (fling past it), and then enter the fortress the normal way through the window on the second floor.

Inside the fortress drop down to the bottom floor and get the "1" Groldy to push their block west, breaking KEY and removing the KEY bridge. Go to the south side of the bridge and fling north, colliding with the railing and falling down on the north side of the 1. Enter the tunnel under the center tower to find the present.

Solution B

Spoiler: Hint 4 
Experiment with Groldy movement. They are pretty ready to push blocks at you at all times. How can you outpace them?
Spoiler: Hint 5 
... by flinging of course! Now just find the right place to fling.
Spoiler: Hint 6 (solution) 
Fling and walk back and forth like this to outpace the 1-throwing Groldie

Solve the level as normal, making KEY and enter the fortress. (This solution can be mirrored horizontally but I'll arbitrarily pick starting from the west side.) Stand on the 'Y' in the KEY bridge and fling west. The Groldy will head to the east side of the '1' block (if needed, wait a couple turns to make sure it's on the east side). Fling east, walk west 2 steps to fall into the pit then fling west to get to the 1 block just before the Groldy has time to get into position. Walk north out of the way. Go to the north side of the 1 and get pushed to the present.


Spoiler: Achievements 
There are 0 achievements available for this level.
Spoiler: View squares 
There are 4 view squares on this level:
  • One on east side.
  • One on west side.
  • One on south side, low down.
  • One inside the fortress.
Spoiler: Hanging men 
There are 0 hanging men on this level.
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