GK1 The Gap

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Normal solution

Hints are given below when you expand the boxes.

Spoiler: Hint 1 
This level will require you to use a property of blocks that you might have noticed in the previous levels.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
You'll need to close that WAY bridge and drop down onto it to reach the exit. You won't be able to line up the W and Y to push them into the starting room, no matter how hard you try. So you need to get the A out of the starting room.
Spoiler: Hint 3 
If only you had a wall that would stop the A south of the little gap out of the starting room.
Spoiler: Hint 4 
What's that stack of X blocks doing in the starting chamber, anyway? Try pushing them all north or south or wherever - what happens?
Spoiler: Hint 5 
Try Hint 4 out. The first X block hits a wall. The second X block hits the first X block and stops. The third X block hits the second, etc...
Spoiler: Hint 6 
This level teaches you that blocks, if pinched between a wall and a moving block, act as an obstacle which stops that moving block. You can build walls with blocks, so long as they're backed by actual solid walls.
Spoiler: Hint 7 
You will need to use the X blocks to extend a wall so that you can stop the A block south of the little gap.
Spoiler: Hint 8 
Make the X blocks look like this

Starting with the X blocks stacked on their starting pad, push an X north, then west, to put it in the northwest corner of the starting room. Then do the same with another X, then another... Once you do this with each X, you should be in a good position to push the A into place.

Spoiler: Hint 9 (solution) 
Push each X block north and west one at a time until you have a line of 7 Xs from west to east in the northwest of the room (see the picture in Hint 8). Then push the A north, then west (so it's stopped by the Xs), then north again. You should be able to close the WAY bridge now by pushing the W and Y north. (Smash the W and Y to reset them if you need to. It's also safe to smash the A if you make a mistake, since the northern A blockpad is close by.) Drop down onto the WAY bridge and go to the exit.

Present solution

Spoiler: Hint 1 (present location) 
Solve the level as normal, then stand on the middle of the WAY bridge and fling south through a window to a small chamber requiring a WAX bridge to get to the present.
Spoiler: Hint 2 
Spend thirty minutes trying to replace the Y in WAY for the X while still being able to exit. It's not possible.
Spoiler: Hint 3 
Explore the exit room.
Spoiler: Hint 4 
The secret passage out of the exit room

There's a secret room reachable from the exit room with another set of WAY blocks. What do these let you do?

Spoiler: Hint 5
Once you've spelled WAY another way, the other WAY can be moved away and turned to WAX.
Spoiler: Hint 6 
You'll need to bring an X out of the starting room to the first set of WAY blocks to make WAX. (You can try pushing a W and A into the starting room, but it won't work.)
Spoiler: Hint 7 
Having trouble getting an X block out of the starting room? Not enough X blocks to stack against the wall like you did with the normal solution? If only you had a spare block you don't need anymore...
Spoiler: Hint 8 (solution)  
How to swap the Y with an X

In the exit room there is a small passageway to the east, with another set of blocks that can make WAY. Return to the surface, smash the WAY blocks to return them to their blockpads. Push them west to center the Y in the middle of the alcove. Push the Y south to the egg room. Destroy the left-most X, replace it with the Y, then push the extra X north, west, north to get it out of the room. Push the WA up to make WAX and return to the present (fling south when standing on WAY bridge).


Spoiler: Achievements 
There are 0 achievements available for this level.
Spoiler: View squares 
There are 0 view squares on this level.
Spoiler: Hanging men 
There are 0 hanging men on this level.
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